Grizzly Overland 4WD Accessories & Outdoor Gear are a keen Overland Family of three and a dog, exploring BC and beyond in our 1989 Landrover 127. We love getting away from the city and heading into the middle of nowhere. Our favorite places look out over lakes or oceans and have no cell service! We like the adventure and challenges of having an older Landrover and slowly turning it into our dream Overland Vehicle. In outfitting our truck to be suitable for ourselves, and young child we discovered the Bush Company Alpha Roof Top Tent, and 270 XT Awning. We were so impressed with the design, quality, and effectiveness against the “Wet “ Coast weather that we became the Canadian Distributors.
Once you look at a Bush Company product it is easy to see how superior they are to other tents out there, especially for our climate in Western Canada. There is a great video about it being the Tent that Alu Cab should have built. EXPO EAST 2019: THE BUSH COMPANY ALPHA RTT, THE ALUCAB KILLER. One major factor about the Bush Company products is that they are overbuilt. The two main features we like are that the tent awning covers the entrance so rain doesn’t enter the tent, keeping it nice and dry. The second is that there are actually two separate walls. Not two layers but two walls which give it incredible insulation properties. It is warm in the spring and fall and cool in the summer. The ventilation is suburb, and the top vent is always open in our tent. So if you do your research, you will see it has everything you would want in a RTT. It even has internal power connections to charge your phone and power your other toys. We have a 12V electric blanket that works perfectly. Have a look at the many YouTube videos to see the many features it has. The Bush Company is a Company that listens to its consumers and makes changes accordingly; they update and improve their tents and awnings all the time.

Our rooftop tents from The Bush Company bring added comfort and security to your off-road adventures
Our rooftop tent awnings perfectly compliment our tents and add extra utility when you're off-road

Ordering, Shipping
We try to stock a couple of tents and awnings at all times. When they sell out we bring more in via Sea, which can take 1-3 months. If you are looking for something that we don’t currently have in stock, we are able to ship it via Air, which only takes 1-2 weeks. The cost of shipping by Air will be transferred to you.
We are able to arrange delivery or shipping directly to you, or you can pick it up from our Warehouse located in Vancouver BC. Delivery or shipping directly to you will be an additional fee not included in the cost of your tent. The fee will depend on your location.
If you would like to order a Bush Company product please contact Chris at 604-209-1169 or grizzlyoverland@telus.net. For special orders, or to hold a product, we do require a $1,000 non-refundable deposit for the tents, and a $500 non-refundable deposit for the awnings.
Product Pricing
AX27 Clamshell Roof Top Tent - $6500.00*
TX27 Clamshell Roof Top Tent - $8250.00*
TX27 MAX Clamshell Roof Top Tent - $8950.00*
270 XT MAX Awning - $2700.00*
270 XT MK2 Awning - $2200.00*
180 XT Max Awning - $2200.00*
Wall Kit 270 XT Awning - $2275.00*
* Prices do not include shipping or taxes
* Prices subject to change


A collection of photos and videos of Overlanders
doing what they do best